Saturday, March 12, 2016

103rd Birth Anniversary of Shri. Yashwantrao Balwantrao Chavan

Yashwantrao Balwantrao Chavan, also called Chavan saheb   (born March 12, 1913, Devrashtre, India—died November 25, 1984, New Delhi), Indian politician and government official who was prominent in the independence movement against British rule and became a senior leader of the Indian National Congress (Congress Party). He served as the third chief minister (head of government) of Bombay state in independent India (1956–60) and as the first chief minister of Maharashtra state (1960–62) after it had been formed from the larger entity.

Courtesy:Encyclopædia Britannica

आज सकाळी ठीक ९.०० वाजता यशवंतराव चव्हाण यांची १०३वी जयंती ग्रंथालयात साजरी करण्यात आली. यानिमित्ताने  यशवंतराव चव्हाण यांनी लिहिलेले आणि त्यांच्यावर लिहिली गेलेल्या पुस्तकांचे प्रदर्शन भरविण्यात आले. याप्रसंगी प्राध्यापक, शिक्षकेत्तर कर्मचारी व विद्यार्थी उपस्थित होते.